Sunday, May 29, 2011

Colgate 360 Surround

I was shopping (okay, more like wandering) around in my local Target store.  It was one of those "let's see if anything catches my eye" kind of days.  Ever have those?

And I am a fan of those wonderful CLEARANCE end caps.  Who doesn't like getting a great deal, right?

Cruising thru the Health & Beauty, I spotted toothbrushes on an end cap.  Hmmm... What did I spy?  The Colgate 360 Surround toothbrush -- at 1/3 of the regular price.  Why not give it a shot?  I was due to replace my toothbrush anyway and to get it at a great price, it wouldn't hurt.

I checked out the packaging to read up on what set this toothbrush apart from the others.  Who would've thought that there was so much toothbrush "technology".  This baby has "surround bristles", a "wraparound cleaner", along with a tongue and cheek cleaner built-in.

What does all of the mean?  This toothbrush is suppose to help get our teeth and mouth cleaner for healthier gums and fresh breath.  But I've heard that before. 

Brought this baby home and used it before going to bed.  Okay, where the no-slip grip is placed on the handle seems pretty perfect for me.  And it actually felt nice.  Those "surround" bristles took just a second to get use to but I could definitely feel them reach to my gum line, which felt really nice -- almost like a little gum massage.  Ha.  I did feel as if I had gotten a better tooth brushing from using the Colgate 360 Surround.

This tongue and cheek cleaner side of the toothbrush... good idea for the tongue, since that is where a lot of bad breath bacteria likes to hang out.  But I don't think the inside of my cheeks like it.  It seems to be too rough for my mouth, especially when I'm brushing along the sides of the my top teeth.  It's managed to irritate the tissue so much that I feel a canker sore coming on.  Ugh.  Great.  I hate those.:-/

All in all though, it's a great toothbrush.  Would I have paid $4 for it?  Probably not.  Though I probably would pay the $4 if it didn't irritate the inside on my cheek like it has.

UPDATE 5/31/2011: Yep, the canker sores have arrived.  They're on the inside on my cheek and where the toothbrush rubbed and irritated.  So I'm going to be a tad cranky until they go away because I can't eat some foods without my mouth stinging.  Grrr... :-(

ANOTHER UPDATE 6/12/2011: I did e-mail Colgate about this and they promptly replied to my e-mail the next day and within a few days, I received coupons in the mail for their products, along with a coupon for a FREE Colgate toothbrush.  Well done, customer service. :-)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Amusement Park Photo Booths

I love old-school photo booths. The digital ones just don't seem right to me. Maybe it's the smell of the fixer that I like. And the prints just seem more "real" to me.

~ A Delicate Flower

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Mexico can be surreal...

~ A Delicate Flower

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Judd Apatow, the man behind "Knocked Up" and "40-Year Old Virgin", brings us "Bridesmaids".

Having been touted to be the female version of "The Hangover", I knew I'd have to see "Bridesmaids".  It's not very often that a movie comes along with a strong comedic female cast.  I don't know why... for some reason many female-led comedies haven't been as funny as their counterparts.  I knew I had to give this movie a chance.  Look at that cast!

I'm not an SNL watcher, so I only knew Kristin Wiig and the other ladies from other roles they've played.  I've always been a fan of Melissa McCarthy since her "Gilmore Girls" days, so I was really curious to see what she would bring to the table.

For any woman planning a wedding, she can only hope that the antics that she and her own girlfriends get into before the Big Day are even remotely like the situations these ladies find themselves in.   During the bridal salon scene, I found myself laughing so hard that I cried.  And then even after the scene had ended, I found myself still giggling and shaking in my seat as I tried to stifle the chuckling as my mind just kept going back to what I had just seen on the screen.  The best way I can describe it is like when you try to stifle a sneeze -- it just doesn't work.

This movie not only showcases some extreme, yet hilarious, situations, it also focuses on the friendships that the characters share with each other.  What do you do when your best friend of over 20 years all of the sudden has another best friend who's beautiful, successful, and rich?  How do you compete with that? 

And then add the other stresses that have managed to pile on top of Wiig's character.   There is some truth to the saying that when you've hit rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up.  You can't help but root for her.

Real and true friendships survive anything and this movie shows that we will do anything and everything for someone we love so they'll be happy.

I highly recommend this movie.  Hell, see it more than once!  I did!  And it's just as funny the second time around.  It's a feelgood movie.  You're going to laugh.  You're going to cry (because you're laughing so hard).  You might find yourself crushing on one of the men of the movie. ;-)

Knowing that the movie was co-written by two women (Wiig and Annie Mumolo, whom you'll spot in the film) endeared me to it more.  To me, it meant that there was some truth behind what was being written.  I feel that only women can really get what goes on in a woman's head.  It doesn't matter how great of a writer a man is, he doesn't get "it" all of the time.  Only a woman truly understands.

The only thing I can say that disappointed me about this movie was that I would have loved to have seen what these girls could get into if it had taken place in Vegas.  But then again, it could've just ended up being a "Hangover" rip-off.  I don't want that. 

As women, we can definitely get into our own trouble.  No boys needed.

I cannot wait for this to be released on DVD/Blu-Ray because I have a feeling the bonus features are going to make me pee my pants.

I'd love to know what you think.